Downloads & Links
On this page, we provide a selection of documents from different business areas for downloading - usually in English, German or the original language. Downloads which are only relevant or required specifically in one country can usually be found on the pages of the local subsidiaries. Please get in touch with your local contact if you cannot find a document that you are looking for.
Annual Reports
If you are from a country in the EU and EFTA or from the UK, you can shop merchandise in our fanshop. You will find an exclusive, partly limited range of fan and gift items in the look and feel of our Group and the Aebi and Schmidt brands. The shop’s of course open 24/7 and you’ll have everything conveniently delivered to your home. Visit our fanshop regularly to discover new articles and special offers.
Media Library
Images, videos, logos, fact sheets, brochures - everything that is available electronically or digitally for marketing and communications purposes can be found in our Media Library, which is managed online by a third-party provider. You can view the files, download them or share links with others. The Media Library is open to any partner and media company - you only need to register to gain access.
In order for our specialists to provide you with the best possible support, it is sometimes helpful to have a look at your screen. In such cases, we use the TeamViewer Remote Support Tool from TeamViewer Germany GmbH. If you are requested by one of our specialists during a support call, you can download the tool here. Please be aware that the provider's terms of use apply.