Aebi Schmidt|Maximum machine uptime and longer service life|Remote Diagnostics
- Errors and warnings are actively reported to your maintenance partner so that action can be taken before serious problems arise.
- Ability to diagnose problems remotely, reducing the need for physical intervention and saving valuable time. Necessary parts can be ordered faster.
- Valuable addition to the vProtect Check 360 and vProtect 365 All-In maintenance contracts.
- Standard part of IntelliOPS, the Aebi Schmidt platform for your connected fleet.
Remote monitoring of machine performance
Remote monitoring continuously checks the condition of machines in the field. This data is made visible in the IntelliOPS platform for fleet and operational management. When using electrically powered spreaders, important values of the battery pack are transmitted: temperature, charge status, State of Health, etc. Any fault reports are transmitted with action advice. Remote diagnosis of any problems reduces the need for physical intervention and saves valuable time. The maintenance party can take action before serious problems arise and unexpectedly higher costs for repairs.